December 17, 2015

Saudi, US, Qatar, Turkey Game plan that triggered the War

5 years ago, today On Dec. 17th 2010 , the Arab Spring started

So you think the war in Syria is about Assad

Oil pipeline that triggered the war 

How the Plan is about to bomb ?

When the plan was hatched Oil was $115 per barrel 5 years ago. Today it is $35.

Oil is going to $20/per barrel.

They thought oil would go up in a straight line.

Now they are stuck in a expensive War to Fund with falling oil prices.(SOMETHING VERY DIFFICULT TO DO IF YOU DOLE OUT MONEY TO YOUR CITIZENS TO BE LOYAL TO YOU.)

If things get out of hand(which they probably will), we are looking at WW 3 type scenario in the Middle East.

Battle Field will be from Ukraine to Yemen

Putin in pissed off because of this, not because Assad is his great friend.

People Support Trump but Establishment does not want him.

He is self funded, does not take money from SPONSORS. 

He might pull America out of the war.

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